Build strategies, build confidence, build your business™.

Our goal is to rapidly convert ideas into business value. Develop intelligent workflows that create greater value. Use real-time data and insights to improve responsiveness, quality and accuracy, delivering greater value to our clients.


Our Services

Glocal Services specializes in consulting and in-house services. We provide customized, cost-effective HR assistance to deliver a full range of services through employees who consider HR and management to be their area of expertise.  

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What Does ‘Glocal’ Mean?

Glocal is a portmanteau reflecting or characterized by both global and local considerations. For example, the term “glocal management” is used in the business strategies of companies, in particular, by firms that are expanding overseas.

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The Latest Dispatches

We collected fresh research, ideas, and perspectives to help you address issues and stay informed on the latest trends and best practices. Discover helpful topics that can impact your organization's culture and employee engagement. 

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Our Practice

We help clients structure human resources strategies based on the uniqueness of their situation.


We take the stress out of human resources planning and administration. We work side-by-side with our clients to ensure their organizations are capable of achieving the transformation they want and sustaining it for years to come.


Client Strategy, Breakthrough and Transformation

Achieving performance – consistently and confidently – is not easy. Learn how Glocal Services helps clients navigate the issues.